Re: Genderless societies [was Re: kathryn's comments]

From: James Veverka (
Date: Mon Sep 13 1999 - 00:39:34 MDT

Mike Lorrey said:

As opposed to the feminization of men? You don't need to "be in touch
with your feminine side" to be a caring, considerate person. All this
'feminine side' crap is just that: a memetic tactic to castrate men and
change the game so it is played the way women want to play it, not the
way its always been played.

Elizaebeth responded:

For the record, I said "in touch with their feminine side" with tongue
in cheek. I try not to impose any particular gender models on anybody.
Men who prefer to be 100% masculine are fine with me. I think that
traditional male culture supports a number of high virtues.

I think we are getting a little messed up in semantics. We are all
somewhere in a CONTINUUM of sexuality, sexual traits, sex roles, sexual
preferences and sex hormones. There is no ONE KIND of man nor woman.
Men produce amounts of estrogen and women, testosterone. We all need
them both. We all vary. Its natural selection rolling the dice.

Are we discussing intuition as feminization? Mens corpus callosum does
not communicate the hemispheres laterally as well as womens. Intuition
may have its basis in the degrees of lateralization in the brain. Its
nature. But it does not mean men arent intuitive at all. Natural
selection doesnt have a joint subcommitee on stereotypes. There is a
bell curve in humanity"s sexual and gender neurochemistry too.

Are we talking about showing feelings or crying as feminization? Thats
not being feminine, its just showing feelings. But...Nature has selected
traits of toughness and repression of feelings in men due to many of the
hostile and brutish environments in the last million years. But in a
safe and protected society....Manly, womanly? who gives a fuck!!! We
can all relax and play with different roles, being mindful of our
inherant evolutionary "designs and limitations"...... If the omniscient
poltical fringes would just shut up and leave us alone......jim

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