Re: Fear of Nanotech

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 11:35:21 MDT


>Nanotech attacks, similar in strategy, purpose and use by Aum and
>other cult/extremist groups will be very difficult to control
>without several anti-crime forces pushing against them, using
>technology I can only guess at. What technologies can be used
>without hindering nanotech development and retaining the level of
>freedom, privacy, and liberty extropians desire? Do we develop
>James L. Halperin's _Truth Machine_ fool-proof lie detector first
>or concurrently?

The Truth Machine----------------SPOILER WARNING!------------------

If you read "The Truth Machine" you'll remember the code had a
backdoor built into it. I have no doubt if the government is
involved in anyway any such device would have an NSA approved
backdoor. I would never trust such a device without a copy of the

I liked "The Truth Machine" but the world government crap made me
want to hurl....


Member, Extropy Institute,
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Mars Society,
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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