Re: MSNBC feature on genetic testing

Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 19:42:10 MDT

<<Several stories, including (what seem to me rather conservative) forecasts
for use of genetic testing. For instance: By 2040, says Francis Collins, we
will have lifespans of 90 years. A real pessimist! :-) >>

This _does_ sound terribly the point of sounding not a
little ignorant. Of course, we had plenty of ultra-conservative standpoints
and hype re. our future in space not so long ago, and many would argue that
the conservatives were right. But they weren't right about what later became
possible, only what was "politically prudent." I'm not sure this reasoning
adheres to biomedicine, which is everyone's game and not, as was popularly
conceived, a handful of Cold War technocrats.


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