Back Pain? Neck and Shoulder Tension? Arthritis or Tendinitis?

From: Paul (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 18:37:28 MDT

How many times every day do you reach back to rub your shoulders
they are tense and painful, or stand up to move around because your
gets stiff? Wouldn't it be nice to find a way to relieve your aches
pains without having to rely on the time and expense of professional
therapists, muscle relaxants, pain killers, aspirin, anti
medications, sports creams, etc.

Now with this new Self-Administered ACUPRESSURE System you can get
immediate relief from common everyday aches and pains. It takes just
a few minutes per day to relax muscles and the techniques are simple
enough that you can apply them at home or in the office. SERIOUSLY,

If your shoulders are tense and knotted, or your back ACHES from
sitting at
the computer we'll show you a NATURAL AND EFFECTIVE way to keep your
muscles relaxed and flexible; The ancient art of ACUPRESSURE! Its
been used for 3000 years to treat every kind of muscle ailment
imaginable. Must be something to it right?

 Want to know more about how acupressure can help you with your aches

 Reply to:
and you will receive information shortly.

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