Techo Ethics

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 12:34:21 MDT

At 08:41 AM 9/9/99 -0700, wrote:

>So, anyway, dumping ExI's implicit libertarian stance in favor of bland
>acceptance of any political viewpoint may have brought in more people, but
>as a (small-l) libertarian, it's been a major loss to me. I hope that
>proves to be worthwhile.

  IAN: Promoting technology advance and particularly
  technology designed to interface directly with the
  human body and/or mind, such as implants, and at
  the same time abandoning a strict libertarian
  stance is arguably explicitly unethical. Why?

  Libertarian principle is the private-property
  principle, period. The idea that technological
  advances are inherently a boon to humanity is only
  as valid as the ethics behind those who operate
  and control such technology. If they do not adhere
  to the strict private-property principle, the door
  is wide open to the subordination of the individual
  to "collective interests" as defined by those with
  the most power to enforce their definition of the
  "collective interest" with the aid of advanced
  technology. Based on the track record of human
  societies, technology advance minus a strict
  adherence to the private-property principle (PPP)
  is a recipe for the perfection of absolute tyranny.
  While we desire technology advances that will
  empower the average individual by fostering
  independence from central powers, those in power
  are interested in technology that will empower
  those in power and foster subservience to them.
  Technology and its advance is not inherently
  ethical, and thus the anti-Luddite attitude
  expressed by Extropians minus the PPP is a
  surefire recipe for the worst technological
  nightmares that we can't even begin to imagine.
  By abandoning strict adherence to the PPP, the
  ExI opens the door to making the future a
  nightmare, to making technology our enemy.



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