META: delayed messages

From: David McFadzean (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 08:52:18 MDT

At 10:09 AM 9/1/99 -0400, wrote:

>Well, I wrote that message days before it appeared on the list!

The majordomo list software has a feature that looks for several
key words in the subject line and first 10 lines of the body
of each messages sent to the list. If it finds majordomo commands
such as "subscribe" or "help" it will bounce the message to
the list admin (me) for approval. This is a good thing since it
catches about six messages/day that were mistakenly sent to the
list instead of <>. The downside is that
some valid messages are delayed until I can approve them, sometimes
up to 3-4 days.

So to avoid delay, please avoid putting majordomo commands in
the subject line or first 10 lines of your message. Or change
the spelling, e.g. "s*bscribe".

David McFadzean       
special agent         

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