Re: Present dangers to transhumanism

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Aug 26 1999 - 22:07:18 MDT

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> Of course Singularitarianism isn't in any present danger of going
> mainstream...

Why do you say that Eliezer? From talking to people at work, the
notion of a singularity is much more widely accepted than cryonics.
Seems to me it should be the other way around, but I find that
many engineers say cryonics, no way, never, whereas the same
guys, when introduced to the singularity notion will ponder for a
few minutes and conclude that not only is it inevitable, but not
so very far off, probably within our natural lives.

I think this is because many of today's engineers careers span the
development of personal computers. Moore's law is an awesome
thing to extrapolate. Singularitarianism is more mainstream than
we realize. Now, of course, *you* might be the only one around
that is *actively* working to make it happen... {8-] spike

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