Twin Studies [was Re: HR25Show82099 - BS]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Aug 21 1999 - 02:13:09 MDT

> This is frankly total BS
> and implies a profound ignorance of the whole subject of intelligence.

Really!?! In my freely admitted "ignorance" of the subject, I would
argue that there is a profound possibility of variance in human
intelligence based on such things as variabilities in neurotransmitter
release and uptake by receptors -- for which there are known to be
genetic "variants". These variants would be diminished or eliminated
in twins, and so one would expect there to be a correlation in the
intelligence of such individuals. Are you attacking a specific
set of twin studies or the entire concept that intelligence can
have a basis in molecular biology and genetics?

> In fact, this is part and parcel of the whole Mensa nonsense propagated by
> Mensa founder Cyril Burt in his massively fraudulent Twin Study, very likely
> the most costly scientific fraud in all history.

Fraud or not fraud, you be the judge. Do you have an explanation or
argument that variations in genetic traits that effect brain development
such as (#'s of neurons, rate of neuronal death, reinforcement of
synaptic strength/weightings, neurotransmitter release & uptake
rates, propagation rates of neuronal impulses) are *totally*
negated by environmental effects?

> stack of documentation from U of Chicago that resulted in Head Start.
> Or the nearly century-long record of Montessori education.

Do you have *specific* references here?

I would argue that if either Head Start or Montessori educations
had made a demonstrable difference in the intelligence of children
that you would see parents flocking to these approaches. If they
only have marginal effects within a range of intelligences dictated
primarily by genetic factors, then I would argue that you would have
what you see today -- that people adhere to these approaches to the
degree that they have been convinced that they have some benefit.
Such benefit is "marginal" and that is why the subscription base
is marginal as well.


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