Re: Extro 4

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Wed Aug 11 1999 - 10:33:45 MDT

Spike Jones <> writes:

> > At 08:01 PM 8/9/99 -0700, you wrote:
> > >Many thanks to Max More and everyone involved in Extro 4 for putting on
> > >another great conference.
> I second this!

I third this! :-) It was a most stimulating event, I have more notes
and ideas for projects, texts, webpages and things to do than I have
ever had thanks to this meeting.

Some suggestions for making Extro 5 even better: More time for
discussions, both as questions to speakers and between sessions.

One suggestion several people mentioned to me was that it might be
nice to have more than two days, which also would help enabling more
informal discussions. This can be tricky to arrange (many people can
just take a weekend off), but maybe the core event could be during a
weekend with a pre-session on friday, or possibly courses/seminars
like on the WFS conference (I guess a lot of people would like to go
to a brief "Nanotech for beginners" held by Drexler, a "Philosophy of
Transhumanism" by Max, an art seminar by Natasha or a cryonics

Having a focus of the conference may limit some attendance, but really
helps get a bigger (deeper?) picture of the field. Maybe a slightly
longer Extro would work with two complementary themes.

Anyway, I'll post my writeup of the conference as soon as I have
written it up :-)

Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension!
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