Re: Extro 4

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 11:37:06 MDT

My comments on Extro4:

- I liked the location. I also like hotels, but if we
  can attract speakers and have more attendees by doing it
  at a college I'm all for it. Theater facilities were

- I preferred the more eclectic mix of topics of Extro3
  rather than the focussed approach of this one.

- The gene patents session should have been a real debate.
  Just because you couldn't find a Rifkinite doesn't mean
  you had no one to argue the opposing side--many of us
  would have been happy to do that. Indeed, I think an
  Extro ought to have at least one good debate on some topic
  of real controversy among Extropians; it keeps us from
  stagnating philosophically.

- A more detailed program would be nice. Names/URLs for
  the speakers and related resources, more details about
  the sessions, etc. Would also be an opportunity to
  exhibit artworks (drawings/writings).

- You're missing a great capitalist opportunity by not
  having more merchandising. Extro3, for example, had a
  lot more book sales--why none this time? Natasha is
  right that arts get something of a short shrift among
  technical folks: so stop talking about it and put some
  more of it in our faces. Give us the opportunity to see
  it and touch it and buy it.

- The short open-mikes worked well. Perhaps a longer
  session of those would be interesting.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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