Re: Personal goal system was: IA vs. AI

Date: Mon Aug 09 1999 - 18:39:54 MDT

On Mon, 09 August 1999, "Cameron Reilly" wrote:

> Paul Hughes wrote:
> So another way of looking at nanotechnology is as a
> complex set of atoms (us) manipulating
> themselves for their own end in a *bootstrapping*
> process. So the question is, what or who is doing the
> manipulating? Subquantum processes?
> Sub-sub-quantum processes? And what happens when we can > manipulate those as well? Until this question can be
> answered, the verdict on still out on free will.

>I would argue that whether or not we manipulate the >“Sub-sub-quantum processes” is not important. We have no >choice over that manipulation. That action (or the
>opposite non-action) is the result of either genetics or >conditioning.

Genetics has no bearing on our decisions if we've already
uploaded our brains into computronium structures and
completely re-written or erased any residual memetic
processes that originated through blind genetic evolution.

What is conditioning if we are re-wiring that as well? I
have been quite sucessful in reprogramming a whole series of
conditioned responses. So who is doing the re-conditioning?
We find ourselves in an infinite regress, so there is no
remaining merit in your answer.


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