(no subject)

From: Larry Klaes (lklaes@bbn.com)
Date: Fri Aug 06 1999 - 15:09:03 MDT

Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 16:39:26 -0400 (EDT)
To: lklaes@bbn.com
From: "What's New" <whatsnew@aps.org>
Subject: What's New for Aug 06, 1999

WHAT'S NEW Robert L. Park Friday, 6 Aug 99 Washington, DC

Two years ago, Norman Olson told correspondent Michael Guillen on
ABC Good Morning America that he was taking a "Patterson cell"
back to Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories to see if it
could neutralize radioactive waste (WN 13 Jun 97). He said he
was optimistic. Alas, nothing more was heard about the test.
Last week, Science magazine reported on a controversial proposal
to DOE for neutralizing radioactivity. Since the proposal's
author was also involved in the Patterson cell, WN suggested that
someone should check with Norm (WN 30 Jul 99). We have since
learned that the results of the PNL tests are proprietary and
have never been disclosed. So WN asked: "Does PNL plan to pursue
this remarkable technology?" The answer was an amused "No!"

Earmarks in appropriations report language directing agencies to
fund science projects at specific institutions is at an all time
high, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. It's about
to get much worse. The budget caps mean that every pork project
comes at the expense of peer reviewed science. With the loss of
the most vocal critic of scientific pork, George Brown, no one is
even bothering to disguise the pork. It is appropriation by
intimidation. The FY2K VA-HUD Appropriations Report, for example,
"recommends" changes to the budget that would cancel or reduce a
half-dozen space science programs, while adding such things as
Science Centers at Glendale Community College and Ohio Wesleyan.

3. CONGRESSIONAL VISITS! The bad news: The House VA-HUD
Appropriations Bill, reported out of Committee last Friday, calls
for flat NSF funding and a 12% cut in NASA Science, Aeronautics,
and Technology funding (with Space Science down 11% and Earth
Science down 20%). The good news: Floor action will be delayed
until September, when Congress returns from the summer break.
>From August 7 to September 7, legislators will be back in their
districts. Visit or write to your representative or senator to
emphasize the importance of science! Over the past 30 years the
federal investment in research and development, as a fraction of
GDP, has decreased by half. We can only counter this trend by
speaking out. Contact Helene Grossman at (202) 662-8718.

4. SHROUDED: "SCIENCE" STORY OF THE WEEK? Carbon dating of the
Shroud of Turin in 1988 showed it to be a 14th century forgery.
But wait! Pollen grains found on the shroud are native to the
Gaza Strip. Does this reopen the debate? "The theoretical
physicist part of me is skeptical--carbon dating is pretty firm
evidence," said Michael Guillen on ABC's GMA. "But my religious
beliefs transcend any notion of scientific proof," he added.

Helene Grossman contributed to this week's What's New.

THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (Note: Opinions are the author's
and are not necessarily shared by the APS, but they should be.)

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