CRYO: Nature's little cryonauts

From: Jeff Fabijanic (
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 10:08:35 MDT

An interesting post. However...

Eugene Leitl wrote:
>Sorry, commonly the word frozen is used to denote a liquid system
>totally undergone phase transition.

Sorry, but *commonly* the word 'frozen" is used to denote a liquid system
which has either *partially* or totally undergone phase transition. Such as
"frozen ice cream treat" or "frozen Dendroides canadensis". Even *more*
commonly, it is used to denote a system that has ceased it's regular
movement - such as "frozen gears" or a "freeze play video".

Maybe you wish to have a highly technical discussion about cryobiology -
that would be most welcome. But please take pains to define all your terms
precisely beforehand and take care not to patronize those of us who are
sharing legitimate and truthful experiences. So far, you haven't said much
in this thread other than to attempt to discredit the first-hand
observations of fellow list members.

Personally, I don't give a chilly rat's ass if a fish frozen to -10F is not
"technically" frozen. What I care about is that it seems that an animal in
this state has none of the typical traits we associate with living
creatures, yet can survive the ordeal and thrive upon thawing. Instead of
chastising us for our venacular use of language, why don't you educate us
as to what is happening in the body of that fish and those flies, and what
it suggests for the future of human cryonics. After all, most people here
don't care if it's an ice sitzbath, a dip in liquid N, a shot in the arm,
or a combination of those and other technologies that allow us to extend
our 'natural' life spans - perhaps to a world with technologies capable of
vastly lengthening that span, perhaps to new worlds all together.

 - j

| Jeffrey Fabijanic "Long as you're not afraid,
| Designer, Tinkerer, Cook nobody can run your life for you.
| Gardener, Homebrewer Remember that.
| (617) 983-3056 Hell is being scared of things.
| 38 Spring Park Ave, Heaven is refusing to be scared."
| Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 - Tom Robbins

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