Re: First man burried on other planet

From: Joseph Costello (
Date: Sun Aug 01 1999 - 22:19:02 MDT

Skye Howard wrote:

> Wow. Cool. I must say though, last time I checked
> the moon wasn't a planet.....

Actually, I think the moon was actually a planet until the earths
gravity overtook it..anyone else want to weigh in?

> --- Max M <> wrote:
> > Here is something a bit interresting
> >
> >
> >
> > "Eugene is the Man on the Moon
> >
> > The crash of Lunar Prospector finds a quiet burial
> > ground for astronomer
> > Eugene Shoemaker. A small vial of Shoemaker's ashes
> > was loaded aboard Lunar
> > Prospector, and now rests with the craft on the
> > surface of the moon. He is
> > the first person to be buried on another planet."
> >
> >
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > # Max M Rasmussen, New Media Director
> > Denmark
> > # Private
> >
> > TheWorld =~
> > s/Microsoft Corporation//g;
> >
> >
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Joseph Costello
Sociology Department
Warrensburg, MO  USA
"Difference that exists outside the system is terrifying because
it reveals the truth of the system, its relativity, its fragility,
and its mortality...persecutors are never obsessed by difference
but rather by its unutterable contrary, the lack of difference."
Rene Girard

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