Re: reality as simulation?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun Jul 18 1999 - 10:18:40 MDT

Michael Wiik wrote:
> So, you start out with regular life, start building lookup tables, then
> as it evolves you can rely on the lookup tables more and more. I'm not
> sure what would ensue if you allow the looked-up configurations to merge
> into the main screen prior to their scheduled time. I've thought for a
> while (agreeing with Hans Moravec) that we're much more likely to be in
> a simulation of life rather than real life itself. It's an exciting
> time, on the cusp of the singularity, and possibly worthy of study by
> already transcended beings. If so, rather than SETI, we might be able to
> find existance of such intelligence in scientific and mathematical laws
> that look like code optimizations and compression techniques.

I have similar thoughts, that in the end it may be easier to contact
ETIs by first contacting the Architects in Universe Prime, and use them
as a network to contact races elsewhere in this universe.

On a related note, I just read the last book in David Brin's second
uplift trilogy, which anyone on the list can tell he wrote after having
spent some time on our list and studying extropian and transhumanist
thought, though at the end he seems to be of the impression that
transcended beings that accumulate around black holes are a dead end,
that the black holes are actually just trash bins to clear out the older
races to make room for the newer ones.

Mike Lorrey

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