Re: Emotion Selection

From: Joao Pedro Magalhaes (
Date: Fri Jul 02 1999 - 21:16:39 MDT


At 07:20 02-07-1999 -0700, you wrote:
> Emotions are a fact of life, and in truth, when guided by reason,
>they help to shape our lives and make them somewhat more enjoyable.

I disagree. Emotions are not rational. In fact, instinct and emotions are
what help us make decisions when we have no rational thinking. So, emotions
cannot be guided by reason.

> Personally, I would opt to exorcise any trace of fear or anxiety.

If they're here is because they're useful. Fear in, for example, a war is a
very useful feeling because it helps you keep yourself alive; it's better
to live in shame rather than die in honor. Anxiety is also useful because
it catalyses our strenghts to a goal; I agree it's not always useful but I
understand it's purpose.

>Though I'm not naturally inclined to feel these emotions very often, I know
>that when exposed to them, it is difficult to remain rational. But some of
>the more potentially painful ones such as loneliness, I would keep. The
>problem I foresee with getting rid of too many of these "bad" emotions is
>in their absence, there could easily be a lack of ambition. For example,
>if one didn't feel "unhappy" there would be less inclination for him to
>progress to the point at where he would naturally feel happy. It is an
>interesting thought. What do you think?

Yes, it is interesting. However, there are drugs in the market that make
you feel happy. Have you tried them? I'm very confident and optimist and I
think these are very important feelings that people than do not possess
them should have.


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