Re: MOVIE: Re: The Matrix

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Mon Jun 28 1999 - 07:51:37 MDT

I liked it; I didn't expect great art or fantastic acting, just
special effects with some transhumanism-related ideas put in. Actually
I got a free ticket due to my involvement in the computer graphics
world - watching the Maya 2.0 demos before was great fun, made you
look more carefully at how the movie was made.

Matrix is a good action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously,
and contains some nuggets of thinking that is rare in Hollywood these
days. Of course I would have wanted more of them, but just the fact
that ideas like downloading skills when needed get exhibited is a good
step (of course, we have to deal with the prevalent AI==EVIL attitude,
but that isn't the Matrix's fault). The overall message of overcoming
the System that keeps us limited is transhumanist (just like The
Truman Show). The importance as a vector for transhumanist ideas
doesn't lie in gadgets or nanotech but in attitude.

I go and see movies a few times a year.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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