Re: Guns [was Re: property Rights]

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Sat May 29 1999 - 16:03:52 MDT

> People should determine what freedom really is...If some people want
> to live in a world of chaos, murder and psychotic mindframes, then
> so be it.

That seems to be the real core of the religious argument: what is
freedom, anyway? If you ask me, freedom /is/ chaos. Freedom is
dangerous. Freedom is a bitch. Freedom is constant vigilance.
The simple reality is that there are dangerous psychopaths in the
world, and since they don't all have convenient labels ("Poor
Impulse Control"), giving ourselves freedom means giving it to
them as well. Until we catch them abusing it, that means watching
your back.

If you want ease, and safety, and the ability to walk the streets
of your neighborhood without risking your life, then you're not
interested in freedom, you want security. People will use words
like "freedom from harm", "freedom from want", etc., but they've
really co-opted the word for a very simple concept and used it to
mean something else entirely.

Freedom means being able to use your own talents to accomplish
your own desires, not the expectation that anyone else is going
to make it easy for you.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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