Re: Guns [was Re: property Rights]

Date: Fri May 28 1999 - 06:52:33 MDT

Joe E. Dees [] wrote:
>However, the pro-gunners are
>addicted to punishment and immune to prevention.

Note to the clueless: pro-gunners say we need guns to *prevent* crimes by
stopping criminals when they try to commit those crimes. Anti-gunners prefer
to punish the criminals *after* the crime is committed, if they get caught;
if the victim was killed, raped, etc, well, tough luck.

>They would
>rather have Harris and Klebold shoot up a school full of kids, and
>then punish them,

No, we'd rather prevent such shootings by having people with guns there to
shoot anyone who tries it. As has happened on at least one occasion in
America and several occasions in Israel, but the anti-gunners don't like
to mention that.

>than to adopt reasonable and rational measures
>designed to prevent the guns from getting into their hands

Joe, these kids had bombs. Big fucking bombs. Bombs reportedly big enough
to blow up half the school if they'd been set off. Had they had no guns,
then they would have set those bombs off, and far more kids would have

Bombs, incidentally, have been illegal for quite a while, as far as I'm
aware. So much for laws, eh?


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