New Drug for Narcoleptics

From: Joshua Clingenpeel (
Date: Fri May 21 1999 - 15:33:26 MDT

I was wondering if anyone had any information on a new drug I have heard is
being developed for narcoleptics. I'm mostly curious because it has
interesting effects on non-narcoleptics, in particular 72 hours without the
need for sleep, and then 8 hours of sleep to fully recharge. Just curious,
and I have mixed feelings on the idea.

On the one hand, I could do so much more if I had 72 consecutive hours in
which to do it. On the other hand, one of the reasons I love sleeping is
because I get bored with being awake sometimes. That doesn't sound very
productive, but sometimes you run out of things to do...

Pope Arhat Al-Hazred Mateed XXIII

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