Re: POL: Australia Internet Law

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Apr 26 1999 - 05:46:41 MDT

Here's some more grisly details:

From: Kimberley Heitman
Subject: [Oz-ISP] Action over the Bill

Having examined the draft bill, kindly placed online in html by Heath Gibson
at I have
to say that it's far worse than the original press release would have

As foreshadowed, it censors the Internet as if it were cable-TV and gives
the ABA power to issue takedown orders. However, Alston has gone much
further in the detail, to the extent that the hysterical rhetoric from his
office to date now appears to have been an attempt at sugar-coating.

The EFA Board is yet to examine the Bill in detail, but on my reading of the
way the prohibitions will be administered by the ABA and the tamed industry
association there's several issues that Alston has not been frank about to
date. EFA will be releasing a considered reponse to the Bill when sending
its submission to the Senate IT committee by the end of next week, but for
the time being some points have to be made.

First new feature is the licencing of ISPs, and compulsory trade unionism
under the IIA. Daily penalties of $27,500 should be enough to bring small
ISPs into line, if the threat of being shut down by the Federal Court

Second, the ABA will write the IIA Code, and tell ISPs what hardware and
software to use. Oh, and from now on ISPs work weekends as takedown orders
issued by email or fax will have to be complied-with within 24 hours. Same
penalties natch - $27,500 daily for merely allowing "adult themes" material.

Third, people can complain about ISPs as well as sites, for permitting
access to "adult themes" material anywhere in the world. The ABA has power
to investigate any ISP, any time, under s.25(1)(a) if the ISP allows end
users to access material prohibited in Australia from anywhere else in the
world. Is there any doubt that proxy filters are to be compulsory?

Fourth, less censorious State and Territory laws are over-ridden, and no-one
under 18 is allowed to own an account. Free speech is dead coast to coast,
and the ABA has the power to outlaw dual membership of WAIA and SAIA through
its control over the IIA Code.

And finally, everything archivable is covered, not just web sites. As
technology improves, the industry and the public will pay for smaller and
smaller sieves down to the RAM caches, IRC and newsgroups.

With the depth of bastardry in the detail, it's fairly plain that the
Minister hates the Internet and all who sail in her. All live email
addresses on Alston's recent spam should understand that they're on the
enemies list.

Obviously the Government considers that a future where Australians use Big
Pond to go to slow overseas sites is the only plausible scenario in which
they get a good price for Telstra ;-)

By all means submit to the Senate IT Committee - submissions close April
30 - see
Otherwise, join the campaign. Details and links are at and , or contact Darce Cassidy
(EFA Executive Director) or myself. The campaign mailing list is available
to coordinate regional protests, and to agree wording of form letters and
means of making these available to the public. Act locally and think
globally - while you can!

Kimberley Heitman,
Chair, EFA

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