Re: [Fwd: Fwd: gas out]

Date: Fri Apr 23 1999 - 05:18:45 MDT

Roger Davies [] wrote:
>We pay 5 dolour a gallon in UK, and are happy with that

I presume you're using the Royal we here? I pay more than 5 dollars a gallon
in the UK and I'm far from happy about it; the problem is that there is
nothing I can do about it, other than join in the truck drivers' protests.

At least the Conservatives have finally decided that their mandatory annual
tax increase is a bad idea; shame they didn't decide that while they were in
the majority and before they imposed it.

> Global Warming?

Show me some real evidence that my car is warming the planet and I may
agree with you. Otherwise it seems to be just another tax to fund the
dying monster of the welfare state.

Ah well, should be out of here in 2001.


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