Re: ethical problem? Some kind of problem, anyway...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 00:01:25 MDT

O'Regan, Emlyn wrote:
> aargghh, I don't think I'll get to use cryonics because I'm getting
> cremated here.
> I didn't express myself overly well, sorry for wasting everyone's time.
> What I meant was that, psychologically, cryonics feels like arranging
> your own funeral. I support using cryonics, I think its a good last
> option, but to actually address it in your life must be like arranging
> your own burial site.
> Or is it like getting life insurance?

Much more like getting life insurance. Failing to do so is insuring that
you WILL have a funeral, which is kind of a morbid type of laziness.
Now, making up invitations to your own suspension celebration ahead of
time I think indicates you may need to talk to someone...

> Emlyn
> ps: If I become transhuman, can I get a transdoggy?
> >----------
> >From: Scott Badger[]
> >"It's not suprising that you don't sign up for cryonics - I wonder if
> >anyone on this list actually has? It's like setting up your gravesite.
> >While many people actually do buy plots of land, etc, just for that
> >purpose, I'd be VERY suprised if people on this list are amongst their
> number.
> ^^^^ just here, I meant that I would be suprised if anyone on the list
> had arranged their burial site, not cryonics.

Actually, I have one. As a veteran, that is one of my benefits....too
bad I can't get it exchanged for a neurosuspension...a downpayment on
one at least...

Mike Lorrey

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