Re: A 50,000-year time capsule in space...

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Apr 17 1999 - 17:07:35 MDT

Steve VanSickle writes:

> Yep, you would need to use something more durable than a CD-ROM. I think

Patterned gold foil or Pt/Ir foil looks like a fairly good
substitute. With electrochemical proximal probe you can create any
number of pits you like.

> that preserved DNA of a wide range of creatures would be nice as part of
> the "message". And designing a radio that could transmit after 50,000
> years is an interesting, but I think doable, challenge. Anyone have ideas
> on how to do *that*?
You already have good vacuum, why not using a primitive triode-driven
resonance coil as a simple beakon? Monocrystalline Si, if protected by
sublimable ice layer should be able to survive that long.


> steve

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