Re: The Matrix Oracle

From: joe dees (
Date: Sat Apr 10 1999 - 18:28:29 MDT

At Sat, 10 Apr 1999 12:22:08 -0500, you wrote:
>joe dees wrote:
>> One thing that interested me about the Oracle was that she was wrong about Neo being The One (and ONLY that). This reminds me of the fact that, in DUNE, the one place where the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mothers could not look was there the Kwasitz Haderach resided.
>> Joe E. Dees
>> Poet, Pagan, Philosopher
>I got the impression that she lied about that. She knew that he was the
>One, but in order for him to assume that mantle, he needed to be told by
>her that she wasn't (which she "foresaw" was necessary).
True enough. Neo needed to believe that he was The One to the degree that he could even believe that the Oracle, who was Never Wrong, was wrong about him, before he could become The One. This could have never happened had She told him that he was the One. Hmmm... an inverted double-bind; interesting.
>On a side note, I really enjoyed the little girl(boy?) that was bending
>the spoons in the Oracle's apartment and her(his?) diatribe about
>reality being our perceptions and the mind underlying them. If you
>change your perceptions you change your reality. Very Eastern oriented

Kinda like the two monks discussing whether the flag was flapping and the wind was, to which the Master disdainfully replied, "It's your minds that are flapping!"
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

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