addiction to stress

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Apr 08 1999 - 00:10:38 MDT

> Lyle Burkhead said... >Is the list healthy?
> david gobel wrote:
> In addition to the above, humans are one of the few creatures which often
> become addicted to their own stress hormones... dopamine....endorphins.

Several years ago, for absolutely no reason, I fasted for four days.
Just wanted to see what it felt like. The first day was very uncomfortable,
second was too kinda. Third day, didnt miss food at all. Fourth day
I really started feeling weird. And... good. Other than being cold indoors
and cold on a warm day, it felt kinda good. I got a peaceful, easy
feeling, like the song on the radio. I was sitting in my car having some
cool headspins, when I realized that this is exactly what anorexia nervosa
is: the body is making some endorphines to help ease the pain of starvation
and one gets addicted. I ended my fast then, a little wiser. spike

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