Re: cold comfort

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 22:12:09 MDT

Spike wrote:

> Now, perhaps some cryonicist can help me out on a topic that
> has come up before on this list, but I feel I can now add a new
> twist. Suppose I go in for cryonics, and 100 yrs goes by. Now
> my living descendants are actually demotivated to reanimate me.
> They have no emotional connection, they never knew me. I must
> figure out some way to make it profitable for those who would
> be burdened with my care, should I be reanimated without the
> essential job skills of the mid 22nd century. I still have not figured
> out how to squirrel away wealth in some fashion that my descendants
> (should I ever have any) would not rather try to inherit, after
> causing my accidental unsuccessful thawing. Ideas? spike

Here's what ALCOR has to say on the subject:

Who Will Unfreeze Our Frozen Patients? < >

Any cryonics organization has a moral and legal obligation to attempt to
revive its patients. Of course, no one can guarantee that the organization
will stay in business long enough; but at the Alcor Foundation, we have
taken many steps to insure proper funding and management, so that Alcor will
survive, financially intact, without losing sight of its goals.

Two thirds of the money that Alcor receives when a "whole body" suspension
member is frozen goes into a Patient Care Fund, to maintain and eventually
restore people who are in suspension. Currently, this fund contains well
over a million dollars.

We believe that when nanotechnology is perfected, it will be subject to the
same economies of scale that we have seen in microchips, causing it to
plummet in price. Thus, cell repair should become not only feasible, but

Even so will people of the future want to revive patients from the past?

After twenty years of growth and advancement at Alcor, we feel confident
that the determination to revive our patients will be strong, because those
patients will still be *Alcor patients*, and Alcor will still be staffed and
managed by *Alcor members*, many of whom like Alcor's present employees will
have friends and loved ones that are in suspension, depending on them.
Furthermore, the future management of Alcor, like the present management,
will be motivated by the knowledge that so long as they are vulnerable to
disease, accident, or aging, their own lives may depend on a powerful,
ethical organization.

How Will People Adjust to the Future?

Immigrants from third-world countries have adapted to twentieth-century
America without too much trouble. And cryonics patients, frozen today, will
have a big advantage in the future: they already understand what technology
is, and how it may develop. Also, if you are revived, you probably won't be
alone. Other cryonics patients should be emerging with you as you explore a
new world full of exciting possibilities.


I was also under the impression that ALCOR had an organization called
Lifepact to deal with this issue. At least this used to be the case.

As far as squirreling money away, my CFP and fellow cryonicist, Rudi
Hoffman, is working on the problem of trusts that can be maintained in
perpetuity, and he thinks he is close to an answer.

Best regards,


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