Re: Computability of consciousness

From: Nick Bostrom (
Date: Sat Apr 03 1999 - 05:10:02 MST

Wei Dai wrote:

> Are you refering to _The Conscious Mind : In Search of a Fundamental
> Theory_?


> I haven't read the book yet but would like to know if it is the
> one I should get. How does he define "causal structure"?

I found an old review I wrote on a floppy disc. Here is the relevant

 So we have the gulf between a physical process and an abstract
 structure to be bridged. As a platform on the abstract side, Chalmers
 chooses the notion of a combinatorial-state automaton. A CSA is
 defined by giving a finite set of input vectors {(I1, ..., In)}, a
 finite set of output vectors {(O1, ..., Om)}, and a finite set of
 internal states {(S1, ..., Sk)} (where all the vectors can be
 infinite, but Chalmers focuses on the finite case), and a set of
 state transitions, i.e. a function f(((I1, ..., In), (S1, ..., Sk)))
 = ((S1, ..., Sk), (O1, ..., Om)) from ordered pairs of an input
 vector and a state vector to ordered pairs of a state vector and an
 output vector. Finite CSAs are equivalent in computational power to
 ordinary finite-state automata, but they have a richer inner
 structure which Chalmers thinks he can exploit in his explication.

 Then we can formulate the criterion for implementing a CSA as

"A physical system P implements a CSA M if there is a decomposition of
internal states of P into components (s1, ..., sn), and a mapping f
from the substates sj into corresponding substates Sj of M, along with
similar decompositions and mappings for inputs and outputs, such that
for every state transition rule ((I1, ..., Ik), (S1, ..., Sn)
[arrow-to-the-right] ((S'1, ..., S'n), (O1, ..., Ol)) of M: if P is
an internal state (s1, ..., sn) and receives input (i1, ..., in),
which map to formal state and input (S1, ..., Sn) and (I1, ..., Ik)
respectively, this reliably causes it to enter an internal state and
produce an output that map to (S'1, ..., S'n) and (O1, ..., Ol)
respectively." (p. 318)

Additional restrictions can be placed on the permissible
decompositions: for example, we might demand that the elements of the
vectors supervene on separate regions of the physical system. The
underlying idea is that a computation is implemented when there is a
structure of causal relationships that mirrors the structure of
formal relations in the computation that is implemented.

Nick Bostrom
Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
London School of Economics

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