An euthanasia/abortion ship

From: den Otter (
Date: Fri Apr 02 1999 - 11:52:39 MST

During a recent meeting of our local transhuman group, we came
opon the following (no doubt unoriginal) idea; terminally ill cryonicists
could have euthanasia and the initial stages of cryopreservation performed
onboard a ship under some flag of convenience. Of course, as there
are so few of us, the next logical step was to make it a public euthanasia
facility, with perhaps ("alternative") medicine and abortion options
while you're at it. There should be quite a market for such a service
which would not only cut through all the red tape, but would also
help to make an otherwise (very) unpleasant experience somewhat
more bearable (the ship would offer the comforts of a standard holiday
cruiser, and you'd be in a supportive environment, surrounded by
"peers" etc.)

Though old, but fully fitted and seaworthy cruise ships can occasionally
be saved from the scrapper for as little as 1,000,000, or one could start
out with some smaller (cheaper) vessel and expand from there. A group
of people could buy the ship and basically run it like a company
with shareholders etc. Perhaps the most logical sequence would
be starting with a fairly cheap abortion boat (this is no doubt also the
legally easier option) and use the money to finance a bigger and
more luxurious euthanasia/abortion/cryosuspension/alternative
treatment ship.

The most important issue is the legal one of course; what flag (of
convenience) to use? Perhaps some backward country which simply
doesn't have euthanasia/abortion rules, if something like that
exists, could be used. The occasional deposit on its ruler's bank
account could further guarantee "smooth sailing". Suppose this is
possible, would other countries give you any serious trouble? What
would their legal possibilities be for harassment (assuming you stay
in international waters all the time)? Would a person who had
received euthansia and cryonic treatment be autopsied when
"imported" into the US?

Thoughts, anyone?

Btw, a search on Altavista, Hotbot and various abortion/euthanasia
sites gave absolutely no relevant results. Surely something like
this must have been tried, or at least proposed before?

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