Re: Yudkowsky's AI (again)

From: Randall Randall (
Date: Fri Mar 26 1999 - 19:57:07 MST

I've lately thought that on Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Damien Broderick wrote:

>But who're likely to be the guineapigs in what amount to unprecedented
>medical experiments? Folklore suggests that hardened criminals are often
>given the option of serving as testbeds for potentially lethal
>inoculations, since they have little to lose. Might it be the same in this

So we need to make all uploadtech researchers watch _Robocop 2_? ;)

Wolfkin. | Libertarian webhost?
On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

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