Re: NOW: What needs doing [Yudkowsky]

Date: Tue Mar 23 1999 - 22:11:14 MST

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, <>, writes:
> Concrete: The primary thing that needs doing, ASAPractical, is a
> foundation intended to turn the design in "Coding a Transhuman AI" into
> code. A few $M in seed money could create a foundation with a fairly
> respectable front, that could hire (1) me (and/or a few other
> competents) to finish the design and start turning it into something
> codeable, or more likely spend the next two years creating
> infrastructure; (2) someone to go around asking the major Silicon
> Tycoons for funding; (3) an OpenSource website to recruit the
> Manhattan-Project-like number of programmers needed.

In order to achieve this goal, a possible step forward would be to
demonstrate your competence at software design. If you are capable of
solving perhaps the hardest problem imaginable, the design of a software
system capable of reaching super-human intelligence, then you might be
capable of solving simpler design problems, as well.

It would be especially useful if you were able to design AI software
which was able to demonstrate some practical capability. Look at people
like Rod Brooks and Doug Lenat. Both started with small successes and
were able to use their "reputation capital" as a basis for much larger
projects. Once you have a track record as a successful designer, you
will find it easier to attract funding for your long term project.

Even the most visionary and gifted architect will not be allowed to build
a massive skyscraper as his first project. You have to start small and
work your way up.


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