Re: Tainted quote

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Mar 22 1999 - 16:48:52 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> The militia movement castrated themselves by confusing their guns with
> their dicks and trying to use both at the same time.

I don't think that is appropriate for the extropians list. But heck, you wanna
go at it? Read on...

> Why the hell is this on the Extropians List anyway? Why do you feel the
> need to bring your wacko politics about guns and government conspiracies
> into this list on almost a daily basis?

I didn't start it. I have not been arguing my political opinions here, but
stating legal facts.
As far as I am concerned the 'wacko politics' of guns on this list are the
statist anti-freedom positions of people like yourself who are for gun
control. You are unamerican, anti-freedom, pro-enslavement.

If you think that being shocked that the government can get away scot free
with the massacre of hundreds of people is 'wacko politics' then you do not
belong in this country. Maybe someplace like, say, Serbia or China is more to
your liking...

Things are screwed up in this country precisely because nobody does anything
to defend people like that. You can sit on your but down there in Florida and
whine about the gang bangers down there, and call me a wacko, but when was the
last time you actually got off your but and defended someone elses rights?
Even someone you disagree with?

I have never said I sympathized with the politics of those people, but you tar
me with the same brush the media uses on those people as a means of denying
the reality that our rights are going down the tube and you are too damn lazy
to do anything about it. I will fight and die for the rights of any American,
even those I disagree with. Can you make the same commitment? I didn't think

Extropians are pro-freedom for the individual. Its high time you statists who
insist on spouting off on the list realized that and either put up or shut up.
Individuals do not get freedom just handed to them. "Oh please, Mr. big
goverment thug, can I please have my rights?" or "Oh please Mr. Robber, please
respect my property and my daughter's virginity." Is that going to get you
anywhere? I didn't think so. What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you
seem to understand??????

I remain on the list denouncing the statist yap of people like you. I get at
least several messages of support from other subscribers every day who are
tired of the list being overrun by socialist pro-government
rights-confiscators. They want the list to return to the way it used to be,
full of revolutionary fervor. The Extropian Principles are a revolutionary
document, its high time you people either got up and made a commitment to
start making it happen and fighting for Extropian Justice or get the heck out
of the way.

Mike Lorrey

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