POL:Social Safety Nets

From: Delvieron@aol.com
Date: Sat Mar 20 1999 - 09:18:20 MST

Why should we even consider Social Safety Nets?

  Well, one reason would be to maximize production of our society. If you say
that every person represents a substantial initial investment of resources, it
might be worthwhile to prevent people from sinking so low economically that it
becomes near impossible to recover and become self sufficient again.

   One reason against Social Safety Nets would be causing a drain on
productivity. If the people who sink low enough economically to trigger a
Social Safety Net are then satisfied to live at that level, they will never
become self sufficient again, and be a drain on those who are.

   To me, it seems the best course would be to find the middle ground between
these two phenomena. I would suggest that a Social Safety Net be set high
enough so most people would be able to recover, but low enough that most
people would be motivated to recover. I suppose what I am really suggesting
is a Social Safety Trampoline (one that propels you back to prosperity when
you hit it). No one level will work for everyone, as some will have a very
low tolerance for poverty, and others a very high tolerance for poverty. What
we want to do is set it so the (super?) majority are motivated to return to
self sufficiency. I'm not sure what level this is, exactly, and it would be
helpful to figure this out before setting the system to work. Also, I think
it could be slowly raised over a long time, as people will gradually come to
associate higher and higher incomes with insufficient amount of income in
comparison to those they have contact with. If eventually the level where you
are barely self sufficient becomes intolerable to the vast majority, then the
safety net would no longer need to rise, and as an act of mercy those few who
are still satisfied to remain below that level could be funded as they would
be a negligible drain on the economy.

   Now, the whole underpinning of the idea of the Social Safety Net is the
concept that it is better to live in a society where everyone is able to have
their basic needs provided (preferably by themselves), then to live in a
society where there are those who do not have those needs provided for,
regardless of your own prosperity. If you disagree with this proposition,
then there is no need for a Social Safety Net (or even a trampoline).

Glen Finney

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