Re: Who Should Live?

Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 06:26:24 MST


   I agree that it makes more sense to buy a new computer than to upgrade an
old in the hardware department I'm with you. However, when I buy a
new computer, I usually move as much of my old software as possible to the new
system, and even where it is not practical to move programs, I will take the
time to transfer my data from the old files into files which can use the new
programs. A good example are my various writings; short stories, poems, etc.
The earliest ones started out handwritten, were later typed, then entered into
my first word processor, the whole program and files transferred over when I
bought a new computer, then the files switched over to a new word processor
when I decided it was better. This information was valuable enough (to me at
least) to go through all those transformations. They now exist in a form that
I don't think I would have imagined when I was younger. But you know what?
They are still the same stories and poems, and they still have value for me.
In the same way, I believe that the personalities of cryonicists are valuable,
and that cryonics is like putting our personality files on disk, so they can
be transferred to a new system.

   You also made the statement that, "....anyone who hasn't seriously
considered suicide hasn't grown up yet." Well, then I guess I haven't, and
probably never will "grow up". Actually, I made the decision a long time ago
to cultivate certain neotonic (sp?) traits, and hold on to them. A sense of
play, a child-like joy in exploration, the belief that I can be whatever I
want to be, etc. I believe these childish traits are in part what allows
children to learn so much easier than adults (along with some
neurodevelopmental factors). And I have to admit to a few (very few)
irrational beliefs at this time, in fact they rise to the level of articles of
-I believe it is better to be than not to be.
-I believe I will never run out of things to keep me interested (the universe
is big), and if I did, then I'd create something, and even if I couldn't
create something, I'd keep myself occupied doing the impossible (trying to
create something interesting).
-I believe it is better to do good than ill (by good I mean increase well
being, both in myself and the world around me).
These irrational beliefs (and they are irrational, for I can not absolutely
prove their value, mean that I will always look for a way to live, even in the
most hopeless of circumstances. I will always look for a way to enjoy my
life, even in the most dismal of worlds. And I will always look to make
myself and my world better, no matter how futile the task seems. This belief
system pretty much precludes serious thoughts of suicide (even not so serious
ones). Maybe it means I'm not grown up, but if that's so, then who wants to
grow up anyway? And further, though my belief system may be irrational, I do
believe that they confer a survival advantage over other systems (though
survival itself could be considered irrational).

Thanks for sharing your perspective.


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