Re: Who Should Live?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Mar 15 1999 - 09:19:41 MST

>I can think of half a dozen people with a talent or a gift that the world
>can ill afford to lose, but they don't embrace the idea of cryonics because
>they don't want to require people (who may have other talents or gifts) to
>look after frozen cadavers. IOW, the very people who have talents or gifts
>that the world can ill afford to lose, do not endorse the idea of cryonics.
>If those people don't endorse cryonics, why should extropians?

That point of view is idiotic. It's wrong to require people to live up
to an obligation they took freely and were handsomely paid for? Being
frozen is likely to be just as beneficial to the caretakers as to the
patients, especially those whose talents and desires make them choose
that career.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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