Re: Re: Is anyone interested in immortality for all?

Date: Fri Mar 05 1999 - 05:41:05 MST

In a message dated 3/5/99 7:04:46 AM, Glen wrote:

<<Is anyone interested in immortality for all?

Well, as a matter of fact, I am.

Anders, I believe you expressed the concern that the concept of immortality
for all might encourage passivity. I agree this is a serious concern. For
those who would like immortality for all, I suggest the following
philosophical stance.
1) I want there to be some agency providing immortality for all.
2) I do not have any strong proof that there is such an agency.
3) Therefore, I should have the following goals.
    a) Discover a means to provide immortality for all.
    b) Ensure that someone is providing immortality for all.

This, I believe, is an approach to the goal of immortality for all which
incorporates the Extropian principles of Practical Optimism and Rational
In a way, there is an implied agreement between those who are pursuing
immortality for all, that if I don't make it, you'll bring me back. An
existential mutual defense treaty. And the hope is, that if enough people
hold this goal and try enough approaches, someone might find a way to do.
Indeed, someone might do it before you, but until you know that, you've still
got to work on the project.

Glen Finney

Great Glen, we agree. The first step, I think, is then to form an
organization designed to focus on this ultimate prisoner's dilemna and
structured to last long enough to make it happen. What do you think?


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