From: KPJ (
Date: Thu Mar 04 1999 - 10:11:08 MST

|From: <>
|>Interesting point about the shift in the Extropian Principles.
|It seems to me that changing ones oponion is a sign of strength rather than
|a sign of weaknes. How come that in politics one is a short-sightet, illoyal
|villain if one changes ones point of view when in science one should allways
|do it when faced with new evidence?

0. Using traditional statist reasoning:

      Extropian IS EQUAL TO Extropian.

1. Using the General Semantics we can solve the paradox:

      Extropian(1999) IS NOT NECESSARY EQUAL TO Extropian(EXTROPY No. 5)

|This is exactly what is wrong with politics today. You are a hero i politics
|if you enter a political party at age 18 and never change your opinion for
|your whole life. If on the other hand you try to change your political party
|once or twice during a lifetime you cannot be trusted and is considdered a

MEME: "Change Is Evil. Repent."

|Refining what extropy is and stands for in the face of new insights and new
|evidence must absolutely be seen as a strength not a weaknes. If somebody
|then doesn't considder themself extropian anymore, well...

Who owns the word "extropian"?
Is it copyrighted world wide by some organization?
What about the meme?

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