Improving the list (was: Can we please dekookify the list?)

From: Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko (
Date: Sat Feb 27 1999 - 11:48:19 MST

I would put forward a semi-automated collaborative filtering scheme
that would serve as an extension to the existing list software, and
allow variable geometry community, alternative private moderators, etc.
$10K would buy a full-time developer in Russia (there are other options too,
such as cooperating with CritMail); after the first year or two, the money
can be used to help ExI handle the increased amount of publicity :-)
The list software can be also distributed elsewhere and can become one
of the best PR engines for ExI, or generator of profits. - In the latter case,
the profits may be shared between investors and developers.

If there are people who would take administrative and financial
commitments, I would work on the staged development plan.

One of the alternatives is to convert the list into a newsgroup with
advanced/collaborative filtering - see
for some ideas in this direction.

Alexander Chislenko <>

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