Re: Moral behavior of SIs

Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 15:54:17 MST

In a message dated 2/25/99 6:01:58 PM, you wrote:

<<I'm probably too anthropomorphic in my thinking, but the basic idea is that
if human behavior is
determined more by evolution of adapted strategies than rational optimization,
and if SI's are preprogrammed to behave in much the same way, the outcome
should be that SIs will develop
the wanted moral values (be nice to others etc.).

Any comments?


Great thinking Eric!! Don't you think it's time to develop a more appropriate
moral code that all intelligent beings could sign on to??

For example, the First Commandmant (No idols) seems inaproprite.

Also, is adultery a sin if it's OK with your spouse? etc.

I think promulgating such a least common denominator morality is crucial if we
are to survive the coming singularity.

Adrian Spidle

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