Re: Re: Extropianism & Theology

Date: Wed Feb 24 1999 - 13:58:16 MST

In a message dated 2/24/99 3:50:36 PM, you wrote:

<<Perhaps you could tell us about your theology. That way, we could see
where you're coming from. Personally, I don't believe in a single God, and
I don't see how 'God' could be both monotheistic and pantheistic. But if
you explained how you arrived at that conclusion, perhaps we'll all
understand better.>>

I am designing a theology that reflects my libertarian tendencies and
commercial and scientific training and experience.

I believe that, in the future, our successors (like descendents, only broader)
will cybernetically enhance their brains to create super intelligences.

These beings will certainly be networked together (a sort of wireless
ethernet) hopefully with strong firewalls and networked to the future internet
and all the other networked computers of that time.

I believe that this networked community will, in time, include other
intelligences on other planets.

I believe that this massively interacting network will learn all about
biology; space-time; and energy-matter to the extent that it/they will totally
control the physical universe. At this point it/they is/are God. Sort of
like the Borg with firewalls, and much better looking. More like the Q

Having control of time means that God is operating now and was operating in
the past, therefore we can gain knowledge of God by studying the nature of the
universe. This study I say is worship, and is the only worship God expects.
He most certainly doesn't expect us to prostrate ourselves at his feet.

In fact. I believe God expects us to join the community of gods that is God,
when we're good enough, when we deserve it. Frank Tipler tells us how we can
all be brought back to life in the massive computers of the future. I don't
think the Omega Point is integral to this theory, so it doesn't matter if the
Universe will crunch or not.

I have founded The Church of the Modern Era (you can find it on the AOL
Alternate Religions board 2 and Anders Sandberg's Posthuman sub page) where we
are developing a morality, ethics and religious principles to live by and
prepare our species for the future.

God is our descendent and his nature is an extension of ours. We must be

Adrian Spidle

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