Re: Extropians and political views [Was: Re: The FAQ is completed!]

From: Tim Bates (
Date: Sun Feb 21 1999 - 23:48:47 MST

Spike Jones said

>> Max More wrote: Many Extropians may call themselves
>> libertarians (and mean fairly different things by it), but other may
>> (perfectly legitimately) not.
>that one sentence may be all you need for the faq. spike

If you really want that sentence then it really should read

"Extropianism has no bearing on political philosophy. While many
extropians are libertarian, the Extropian philosophy is fully compatible
with communism, facism, and anarchy."

If Extropy really has no bearing on politicla philosophy, then this
sentence, which many including me would want to say is false, would stand
as true. Is that the case?


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