Re: Y2K

Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 10:46:44 MST

Peter C. McCluskey [] wrote:
>I expect that about 50 million people in the U.S. will withdraw about $1000
>each in December, and that the system can handle that without major

I think an awful lot will depend on how many problems we see before then.
If life continues as normal and all big companies and government agencies
announce compliance, then you're probably right. If organizations start to
fail badly before then and others admit they're not going to be finished
in time, the situation will be very different.

I don't expect anything serious to happen until late this year... and if
it's bad it will get bad very quickly, as organizations can no longer
pretend that they're going to work next year and the bad news comes out
in a flood. If nothing serious has happened by early December then I'll be
much happier about sitting back and expecting things to work... but I don't
expect that to be the case.


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