Re: Galileo Day

From: Ron Kean (
Date: Tue Feb 16 1999 - 20:59:03 MST

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999 14:38:25 +1100 Tim Bates <>
>> PROOF (that CIA fabricated flight 800 records)
>> The distance an object will fall from rest in a
>> given time (t) in a vacuum is found with the equation
>> (.5 * g * t^2)
>umm, i understand that aircraft are seldom at rest when in flight ...
>Try factoring in the momentum (.5*mv^2) of a 400-to-800 thousand pound
>aircraft (depending on load and fuel status) traveling at maybe 490
>It will slough off some of that M in vectoring down to earth but it
>'aint going to be starting the trip from rest.

.5*mv^2 is the formula for kinetic energy, and mv is the formula for

Ron kean




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