
From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Feb 14 1999 - 12:38:38 MST

> ...worlds benchmark center for supercomputers....

Christian Weisgerber wrote: They do? Do you have an URL?
Mannheim is just on the other side of the Rhein river from here, and our...

christian, i musta gotten misled by the language. they said:

auf den Internetseiten der Stadt Mannheim. Hier finden Sie
stets die neuesten Nachrichten, die bestimmt auch Ihr
Interesse finden werden.

which i didnt understand. can you translate? {8-] heres one of the urls.

there is a cool top 500 site for supercomputers that mentions university
of mannheim. check it out:

again, i could have blown it, for my mastery of german is limited to
what i learned from watching a couple dozen reruns of hogans heros. {8^D
looks like linpack is the outfit with the benchmarks.

> I agree with Eliezer's assessment, the bogon flux from Star
> Bridge's web site is almost tangible.

bogon flux! {8^D you guys crack me up. har! bogon flux. i agree
tho. its an awful big jump, and they were reporting 4 bit adds i think.
investors would jump at this kinda news. assume false until proven
true. spike

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