Nanotech brainstorming weekend

Date: Mon Feb 01 1999 - 18:16:23 MST

Foresight Institute is having a meeting described at to brainstorm
about the next 30 years. Participants include nanotech gurus like Drexler
and Merkle, our own Max More, other extropian faves like Vernor Vinge,
Ray Walford, Doug Lenat, Marvin Minsky and many other famous names.

The meeting will be organized as a "DesignShop" at knOwhere Palo Alto.
The DesignShop is some sort of collaborative brainstorming methodology,
and knOwhere provides a flexible workspace which can be reconfigured
as needed. The web materials on this system (linked from the URL above)
are pretty confusing. There is a book out about DesignShop, Leaping
the Abyss, by two of the authors (not Drexler) of Unbounding the Future.
Has anyone here read it?

The conference is expensive; you have to be a Foresight Senior Associate
which requires a pledge of $250 a year, plus it's then another couple
of hundred to attend the conference. Still it does sound like it would
be a fascinating and stimulating weekend.


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