Re: HEALTH/NEWS: FDA prohibits GBL

From: Ralph Lewis (
Date: Sat Jan 30 1999 - 13:23:18 MST

This ia a real travesty. After my recent gall bladder operation the doctors
were unable to control the pain and get me something to sleep. I was up all
night in pain and unable to sleep and falling apart quickly. Renewtrient was
the only thing that allowed me to get through this very stressful period.
It has also helped me sleep during the current stressful period caused my
the recent death of my father.
To force it off the market and prevent the doctors from prescribing
effective therapeutics is a direct assault on our health care choices.

I hope one (or sevral) of the companies sue the FDA for billions.

Best Ralph

At 09:01 PM 1/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
>GBL, the chemical that was just recently cheerfully marketed as
>a legal GHB alternative, is now getting increased "attention" of FDA.
>See story at
>See more decent info at
>GBL under the name of PRO-G is still available from
> together with GHB kits.
>Alexander Chislenko <>
><> <>
Ralph Lewis, Professor of Management and Human Resources
College of Business
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California

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