Re: definitions of individualism

From: Skye Howard (
Date: Fri Jan 29 1999 - 18:30:59 MST

I don't neccesarily have any evidence that society is an organism, but
rather I see the society as being hive like, or cooperative in many
ways. That the society has one class that gathers food and one class
that thinks up inventions and one class that... seems to imply that
the society acts like an animal, who has one class of cells that
digest, one class that thinks, etc.... You know what I mean? I
suggest Lewis Thomas's Lives of A Cell, which is an excellent set of
thoughts on the subject. I am not stating that society is de facto an
organism, just that it seem like one, and that it is quite possibly
heading more in that direction, though nothing so frightening as The
Borg, if you know what I mean.....
What I meant by "enact manipulation" was that there are individuals
who have, so to speak, changed the world. Martin Luther King, Ceaser,
various historical know, the movers and the shakers.
Please don't quibble over semantics, I am trying to communicate as
clearly as possible, so bear with me. Thank you for writing, though,
because I think I was not especially clear on this subject, and I
apologise. wrote:
> Skye Howard writes:
> >It is my own surmisal that there are individuals who have enacted
> >manipulation of the societal organism
> What does this statement mean? I confess I can't make head or tail
of it.
> What evidence do you have that society constitutes an organism? What
> it mean for a person to "enact manipulation" of such?
> Curiously,
> Dick

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