SAVE This Evidence

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Wed Jan 27 1999 - 17:19:42 MST

Sometime soon the on-line U.S. Code archives will delete the
horrific law that was Section 1520 of U.S.C. Title 50, since
it was repealed. That law allowed for the testing of chemical
and biological agents on entire "civilian populations." The
law was in effect in the U.S. for 20 years (enacted in 1977
as Public Law 95-79 and then repealed in 1997) and is PROOF
that turning entire "civilian populations" into Guinea pig
farms was considered. One is forced to wonder if over that
time the military abstained from that which the law defined.

Here then is that law. Save this short law. Any government
what would enact it could just as easily repeal it with a lie.

=========== (repealed) U.S. Code Tile 50 Section 1520 ==========

(It's still here:
Download the whole Chapter 32:
or from this site here:

U.S. Code Title 50, Chapter 32

Sec. 1520. Use of human subjects for testing of chemical or
biological agents by Department of Defense; accounting to
Congressional committees with respect to experiments and
studies; notification of local civilian officials

    (a) Not later than thirty days after final approval within
    the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or
    study to be conducted by the Department of Defense, whether
    directly or under contract, involving the use of human
    subjects for the testing of chemical or biological agents,
    the Secretary of Defense shall supply the Committees on
    Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives
    with a full accounting of such plans for such experiment
    or study, and such experiment or study may then be conducted
    only after the expiration of the thirty-day period beginning
    on the date such accounting is received by such committees.

        (1) The Secretary of Defense may not conduct any test
        or experiment involving the use of any chemical or
        biological agent on civilian populations unless local
        civilian officials in the area in which the test or
        experiment is to be conducted are notified in advance
        of such test or experiment, and such test or experiment
        may then be conducted only after the expiration of the
        thirty-day period beginning on the date of such
        notification. (2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to tests
        and experiments conducted by Department of Defense
        personnel and tests and experiments conducted on
        behalf of the Department of Defense by contractors.

=============== END OF (repealed) U.S.C. 50(1520) ================

It's still here:
Download the whole Chapter 32:
or from this site here:

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