Re: HUMOR: Future Silliness

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Wed Jan 27 1999 - 16:07:01 MST

"Michael S. Lorrey" <> replied:

> How about The Extropian Catholic Church, where every man (and woman,
> and clone, and AI) is a pope?

        Ooow yes!

        Not only popes, but Gods in training.

        And every man (and woman and ape and fish that crawled out of
the sea...) that has really died (not just gone back to some neither
world to be with father again) are our christs that so loved the world
that they gave their own life (rather than their "only begotten" son's
life) in order to make things progressively better in order that the
rest might be saved in the glorious eternal future kingdom of heaven
which they, in spite of having so little and not yet being God, built
and freely gave to us.

                Brent Allsop

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