Re: Tech/news: Hand transplant

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 11:28:43 MST

den Otter <> writes:

> By the way, I've noticed that even in the Western world
> prosthetic limbs tend to be rather ugly and impractical (and often
> expensive too), although even some fairly basic tech could turn them
> into handy add-ons.

There are reasons for this. Basically, the advanced designs tend to be
too easily broken or tricky to maintain, there is no huge need to keep
the prosthesis completely natural if it can be covered by
clothing. Muscle- or nerve-controlled prosthesises are actually not
that popular in comparision with mechanical ones, simply because of
short battery lifetimes and unreliability. Sure, things like that are
changing, but remember that we are talking about devices that have to
work almost all the time in fairly rough conditions.

> Especially prosthetic hands offer lots of
> interesting possibilities like integrated phones, computers, life/
> health monitors, weapon systems (mace and stun gun for example,
> or something more powerful), compartments to stash medications,
> money etc. etc. Having a useful, "space age" tool instead of a just
> an ugly piece of plastic/tubing attached to your body should make
> the [patient's] psychological adaptation process easier too.

I think much of this can be done at the request of the patient at the
local prosthetical engineering workshop (after all, prosthesises are
heavily customized by definition), but most people seem content to
just get some of the functionality back, not add new. Maybe we could
spread awareness of the possibilities among the handicapped? But don't
get too surprised if they turn out to be conservative; I have found by
personal experience that handicapped people are often extremely
down-to-earth, practical and sceptical of technological fixes.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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